Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tymber's teaching moment for her mom

I am so far behind in blogging, that I don't even know where to begin, so I think I'll start here.

This was one of my favorite memories from this holiday. I am fairly certain that every single nativity has something missing or broken, but I do not care one bit.

I loved going to find Tymber when she became quiet and I hadn't laid eyes on her in a few.

And this is where I would discover her...at the manger.

Oh, if I only would stop my fast pace, and find myself at the manger. 

She would move them around.

She would talk to them in such a loving tone. 

If you look close, you will find modern day touches to an ancient scene.

I love the rocking horse that was waiting patiently to give someone a ride. 

The reindeer food that she thought the donkey would like.

The mix of several different nativity sets combined to welcome a King.

Tymber, thank you for being you.

Thank you for this memory that I will hopefully, never forget.

I have a brand-new year ahead of me, and I want to find myself at the manger, 

remembering my Savior's sacrifice for me.

I want to enjoy the amazing life I have.

I want to soak in time with each member of my family, as we work together to become better and find ourselves happier in everything we do.