Sunday, June 13, 2010



A while ago I was reading some blog entries from an amazing mother.  She had been inspired by yet another wonderful mother to take a few minutes each birthday and record the things that she was currently doing with her children as a way to share with her future generations what her life was like with little ones.  Capturing, perhaps, the little memories that over the years would be forgotten.

I loved this, so today I decided to share mine.

…I love being your mother.  Sometimes it is really, really hard and other times it is really, really great.  We also have a lot of good times in the middle.

…I love watching over each one of you as you sleep.  Yes, even you A.J.!  I have such amazing dreams for each of you.

…I spend most of my day doing your laundry, preparing your meals, and driving you EVERYWHERE, but I wouldn’t trade with daddy.  I LOVE my job!

…Speaking of daddy, I am still madly in love with him and every one of you know this, because I am often heard saying, “Guess who I am totally in love with?”   Brooke and Ellie, you always smile and answer, “We know…daddy!”

…You trust me.  I can tell because if I ask, you will almost always tell me.

…I love tucking you in at night.  You each share great details about your life that I would have missed.  Thank you!

…I cry often.  Not because I am sad, but because of a lot of other reasons…joy, happiness, the Spirit, fatigue and sometimes just great commercials.

…You know I have a strong testimony, because I can see you believing me whenever I share it.

…You are mine forever.  I never forget, but sometimes I am not so great, but I try really hard every day.

…We always stop and smell the roses, literally.  Sometimes we are at Costco, sometimes it is the grocery store.  On days I forget, Ellie you remind us all.

…I am not a great cook, but I rock at baking.  Ok dinners, but awesome desserts!

…I love my friends and they make me want to be a better person, so I encourage you to choose friends wisely. The friends of yours that I really like, I always let you hang with.

…I love making you “detail” your rooms.  You guys usually hate it (except Madie who can do it in her sleep now.)  But every one of you find a treasure you have lost every time we do it.  Yeah mom and chores!

…I think you should read your scriptures for 30 minutes every day.  You think you should read them for 10, so you read for 20 minutes.

…I take every opportunity to capitalize on every single teaching moment.  It is one of my great talents.  Sometimes you love it, and sometimes you don’t.  I am sincerely grateful every time I have the opportunity.

…I love reading to you.  It doesn’t matter if it is Goodnight Moon before your nap Annie, or your current chapter book, Easton, I love it.

…When I pull in the driveway and open the garage door after being gone, I love the moment just before each of you funnel out the garage door to greet me.

…I know that Captain Crunch and fruit snacks are terrible for you teeth, but every once in awhile I surprise you and they say hello for breakfast or in your school lunch.

…I always make you show me your teeth before school.  Easton, you win for having to do them twice the most!

…I love the smell of rain, and I always make you come outside and smell it with me.

…I love having teenagers.  I know it is crazy, but I have been waiting to talk to you as the adults you are becoming.  A.J., you are so teachable and Madie, you are a better mother than me some days!

…I love sitting together in our pew at church.  Not every Sunday, but the good ones are REALLY great!  It is like my forever is just contained in that pew.

…Everyone groans almost every night over scriptures and prayer, but I know that it is the right thing to do, so we push through.  I pray that you will drag your kids to read and pray together someday too.

…I love to sing to your music (and sometimes mine) in the car.  It doesn’t even matter if we have company.  Your friends love it, you roll your eyes, but deep down I know that I am the coolest mother around.

…Nothing makes me happier than when you are helping each other, and nothing makes me more angry than when you fight.

…Today I am 38 years old.  Halfway done, but I couldn’t be prouder or happier about the choices made in my first half that brought me the six of you.  It is a true joy to be your mother!

…Forever, your mom.



Adrienne said...

How come I love you so much? Oh ya, because you are awesome! What a great thing for your kids and family and you. Thanks for sharing.

Tamara said...

Happy Birthday Laura!