Saturday, March 5, 2011

We Love Daddy!

**First of all, sorry for the sad picture, but it was the best we had for this lovely note.


Don't we just love them?

They take care of us, work so hard for us, and worry about taking care and working so hard for us.

Our daddy is tired.

This week was a very long work week, and then was accompanied by lots of busy activities to run this big family after work.

There was a Pinewood Derby car to help finish, books to be listened to and read, lots of driving, and even more encouraging and coaching.

It was exhausting as the mom, and I didn't have my boss in town (well kinda, but he was too busy to care what I accomplished.)

I didn't know the ins and outs of making the Varsity baseball team or the driving locations for tournaments and scrimmages.

I am now very tired too, but I don't want this week to end without telling the love of my life, THANK YOU!

Thank you for supporting us, loving us and being here for us.

I am in total agreement with Brooke's little note she gave him recently, "I love you with all my heart. I will never ever let you go!"

Eternity is a looooong time and I can't wait to spend it with you!

1 comment:

Lillie said...

Hey Laura, ok so I did a post on posting big photos once... here:

At the time I thought I had to double it, now I do a quick resize in photoshop to see what height it needs to be if I want my width 700px (which is the size I like on my blog) -- of course I just know my measurements for a normal uncropped photo --- but for collages etc... I'll figure it out there. Check out the post, let me know if you have any questions!