Thursday, July 14, 2011

Creek Critters

When I was a child, we lived in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Not an exciting town by any means, but one that holds very sweet childhood memories of Summer.

We lived at the end of a street that dead-ended into a wooded area. If you cut through the woods, you magically appeared at our elementary school. A shortcut that didn't take the five of us too long to find.

I loved those woods.

Every summer day we had chores to do, but as soon as those responsibilities were done, we were off to explore.

We had a trampoline in our backyard that gave us hours and hours of entertainment, but nothing like those woods.

A place to explore, listen for sounds, and just be kids.

I remember stopping to smell the honeysuckle as it grew up the trees, racing to the school with my brother and sister, and doing cherry-drops from the bar on the playground until we had blistered hands, only to explore back through the woods home for lunch.

Those memories are over 30 years old, but I have not forgotten.

A couple of summers ago, my kiddos discovered a creek in the neighborhood across the street.

At the time, there was not much water and the creek bed was pretty rundown.

Did they care? Not a bit.

They loved it!

Chores were instantaneously done in the morning, lunches were packed and they begged to be on their way.

Unfortunately, life isn't the same as it was in those carefree Louisiana days of my youth.

They have to cross a busy road, I don't know who lives near those woods who might see them and want to harm them, and they are out of my sight!

What does a mom do who wants her children to enjoy that same freedom she felt, but be safe from today's dangers?


That probably sounds crazy, but I pray. Everytime. Without exception. These prayers are also accompanied by cell phone calls, and me driving over there for face-to-face check-ins, but they are in heaven.

They are kids.

I hope that they will be able to vividly recall their time being kids, bringing lots of critters home for our pond, and how free they felt 30 years from now!

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