I love this girl.
She is 10 today!
We started the day with breakfast in bed and ended the day with a swim party with tons of friends!

Is it just me, or does every ten-year old girl LOVE "peace" attire?

Sandals picked out by Easton. He was the primary shopper for his sister Brooke this year! Very sweet!

The two of them even worked together to make this AWESOME tie-dyed cake! So easy, but SO cool!
Fun in the sun with all of her friends! She even got to have the party on her actual birthday!
We even had a little gymnastics on the side!
...and dancing in the air! Isn't that seriously cool?
...some surfing!
AND LOTS OF AEROBATICS OFF THE JUMPING ROCK! (with lots of girls begging for pictures, of which, there are 42 pictures to print for thank yous!)

Look at how great Brooke's cake turned out. Great job Easton and Brooke!

The things that I love about Brooke are:
1. She loves her sisters. She may complain or argue occasionally, but she loves when Madie does her hair, or when Ellie wants to play something up in their room, or when Annie wants to sit on her lap in sacrament meeting.
2. She loves school. Maybe not some of the work, but she loves having friends, and working with her class, and all the extras like talent shows and plays.
3. She makes friends at church, school, softball, etc...everywhere she goes!
4. When she is happy, her smile beams!
5. I love that she is my true blondie! Born as fair as they come, she has maintained the California girls blonde hair (sometimes green in summer) and the dark tan!
6. She loves blogs! She loves to contribute to what we put on our family blog, and she keeps tabs on all of our favorites. (she even found the tie-dye cake on one of the ones we follow.)
7. She is a time keeper. Sometimes, I will admit that this is NOT fun, but she always knows where everyone is, when they should be home, and we have often been interrupted on date nights because we were taking too long. But somehow, it is somewhat endearing.
8. She still loves to be tucked in, and will stalk John and I after prayer to make sure someone is tucking she and Ellie in.
9. She loves her dad. (I am sure she loves me too, but she will spend every minute she can with her dad.) Whether it is trips to Home Depot, mowing the lawn, or just replacing the lights, she is underfoot.
10. She is part of our family! A very important part!
We love you Brooke!
Happy Birthday!