Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy, happy, birthday Cecil girls!!

When I found out I was pregnant with Brooke...

It was a shock!

Not the "We were done, and weren't planning on any more" shock.

The "we have a 7 month old, a three-year old and four-year old" shock.

The "I have no idea how I am going to do this" moment.

Both John and I were in such denial that he didn't even come with me to the doctor.

They wanted to make sure of the actual due date, so they took an ultrasound and there she was.

A little peanut with a heartbeat!

I knew she was coming.

No more denying.

I prayed everyday that I was pregnant with little Brooke that I would be able to care for all these little ones.

My biggest challenge at the time was my little Madie.

Notice I didn't put "sweet" little Madie.

She was in the process of taking the "terrible twos" well into the fours!

I won't go into detail about this trying time in both of our lives', but it was a daily challenge.

Now she is my "right-hand man," so those times are well behind us!

Everyday, as I anticipated Brooke's arrival, the prayer would always be answered the same way...

"Everything will be easier when she gets here."


But then the miracles came.

First Brooke avoided a 7 11 birth and the forever "slurpee" nickname and arrived on July 12th!

Then we brought her home and Madie just wanted to help...not hinder!

Then we figured out how to enjoy church with TWO babies too young for nursery.

One climbing and walking all over and the other needing to be nursed twice in three hours.

Good times.

The miracles are still happening everyday, we just need to be open to seeing them and quick to be grateful for them.

I love these two girls like they were my own...they are mine...forever!

Happy Birthday Madison Ann and Brooke Elizabeth!

John's tool of choice for lighting candles. Our family has serious issues!

Softball season = Softball themed cake

Each had a turn...and a wish of their very own!

Reese and A.J. thrilled beyond belief!

Spencer keeping with the thrilled theme and Easton giving me a real smile!
Nana and Papa Cecil giving me their best smile in years! Love them!

Madie and Quinn sharing the moment!
Great,cake, and two of my favorite girls!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brooke's Beaming Birthday

It was the "big" birthday in our home.

The year all your choices become officially counted!

Her baptism would come later, but today 7 12 2009 she is eight years old.
The day started with the traditional breakfast in bed!

Madie made it special, and Brooke beamed with excitement sitting in bed!
I thought I would tell you my 8 favorite things about Brooke on this special day.

8. I love the way she greets Annie in the morning. Sometimes it is hard for Brooke to be, let's just say, happy, when she first awakes. But no matter what she is starting the day whining about, when she sees Annie for the first time, she beams! She can't help but love her and smile!

7. I love how she always says "hi" to her friends in every store we are in. They smile when they see her and it is darling.

6. She tumbles EVERYWHERE. I can't say that I love that, but it is who she is right now...the tumbling queen!

5. I love her deep voice! I love how she sounds. Her siblings say she sounds like a goose when she whines and ask her when she is flying South for the winter, but I love it. I think it is this grown-up voice in her sweet little body! Plus, it is another thing that connects her to her mom.

4. I love that her favorite time to read her required reading is after scriptures and prayer have happened and she is supposed to be going to sleep.

3. I love how she always prays for the missionaries. She may be cruising right through a prayer and not giving too much thought, but she will always include a prayer that everyone who is ready to be taught the gospel, will be found.

2. I love how she wants to wear her baptism dress EVERY Sunday. It is a little over the top, but why not! She puts it on and looks like the beautiful girl she was that Baptism day!
1. The thing I love most about Brooke is who she is. She will always take me up on one-on-one time and love every minute of it!

Love you Brooke! Happy 8th Birthday! Love, Mom
Traditional breakfast in bed!

Making the birthday wish! Brooke, Annie and Ellie smiling at Brooke's new earring holder that Madie picked up in CA.

Fun soccer shirt from the family! Nana and Papa's traditional dinner invite and their favorite bag of candy.

A special baptism book from our friend's, the Jensens, in Cali. A fun little birthday project from the girls.

A cute new outfit from Nana and Papa.

Aunt Leslie's traditional Borders gift card! Thanks Aunt Leslie!

A savings bond and peanut M&Ms. What more could a girl want for her birthday?!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hit a homerun!

Steamboat Springs is beautiful.

Beautiful trees, beautiful mountains and a beautiful river.

It also had hundreds of amazing ballplayers this week.

Boys from Arizona, Utah, Texas, New Mexico, California, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois and Colorado.
They were ready to go!

The first night we got there, they held a homerun hitting contest.

The three boys participating for our team were Eric, Nick and A.J.

The other boys on the team were involved with three other contests.

It was an amazing week watching these boys play, both on the field and off.

Wonderful families.

Sweet moms.

Great boys!

Our A. J., Eric and Nick with pre-competition grins!

Annie's appetizer

Ummm, dirt.

Annie loves dirt.

And rocks, and sand, and leaves.

I don't think that it is anything clinical, but she loves the stuff.

I captured this moment up in Steamboat for a baseball
tournament by the backstop.

Notice the bib, which was placed around her neck to feed her real food, but alas the dirt was ddddddelicious!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Farewell good friend

John got this little friend when he was around 7 years old.

This friend got him to early morning Dolphin football games.

It was there for competitive swim practice every morning through high school.

The music was great, the morning buzz...perfect, and it kept working long after the covers of the buttons disappeared.

It spent his childhood with him, his college years beside him, and I was even introduced to him home from the honeymoon.

It didn't asked for batteries, or a clean bedside table, or even dusting.

It just did its' job everyday for 30 years.

I hope I can be that helpful to John!