It was a shock!
Not the "We were done, and weren't planning on any more" shock.
The "we have a 7 month old, a three-year old and four-year old" shock.
The "I have no idea how I am going to do this" moment.
Both John and I were in such denial that he didn't even come with me to the doctor.
They wanted to make sure of the actual due date, so they took an ultrasound and there she was.
A little peanut with a heartbeat!
I knew she was coming.
No more denying.
I prayed everyday that I was pregnant with little Brooke that I would be able to care for all these little ones.
My biggest challenge at the time was my little Madie.
Notice I didn't put "sweet" little Madie.
She was in the process of taking the "terrible twos" well into the fours!
I won't go into detail about this trying time in both of our lives', but it was a daily challenge.
Now she is my "right-hand man," so those times are well behind us!
Everyday, as I anticipated Brooke's arrival, the prayer would always be answered the same way...
"Everything will be easier when she gets here."
But then the miracles came.
First Brooke avoided a 7 11 birth and the forever "slurpee" nickname and arrived on July 12th!
Then we brought her home and Madie just wanted to help...not hinder!
Then we figured out how to enjoy church with TWO babies too young for nursery.
One climbing and walking all over and the other needing to be nursed twice in three hours.
Good times.
The miracles are still happening everyday, we just need to be open to seeing them and quick to be grateful for them.
I love these two girls like they were my own...they are mine...forever!
Happy Birthday Madison Ann and Brooke Elizabeth!