Look at this beautiful girl!
She has been a light in our lives since we met her three years ago!
Annie is almost always smiling in a way that makes you just want to scoop her up in your arms and hold her tight.
She is one of my best friends, and I tell her that every day.
We celebrated with the usual traditions:
Breakfast in bed, however, became, "Annie, come look at your birthday presents!" from a sister who was anxious to see her face when she spotted that TRICYCLE!
She quickly unwrap those gifts like it was her own Christmas morning.
Beaming a perfect smile the whole time.
THREE things that we LOVE about our Annie are not really sufficient to describe how much this little one is loved in this home, but we will bundle reasons and say:
ONE-She truly "lights up" our lives every single day! Her smile has her brothers doing anything for her!
TWO-She loves to sing! Her top favorites are those that she sings in nursery with Sister Ring! But the cutest song is the one she is singing to tiny Tymber when she is crying. Annie says, "Mom, let me have her and I will calm her down." Seriously precious.
THREE-She can imitate the older kids in everything they do. She jumps on the tramp, does her "homework" side by side, kneels down by them as they have their personal prayers, crawls in their beds at night when she is tired, and cheers them on at every event, game and concert.
We love you Annie Grace! Happy Birthday!

Our traditional FAVORITES basket!
Annie's sweet friend, Cate, gave her a hug and bunny.
Then we headed to a quick lunch and some serious nail painting.
Truth be told, she was not thrilled to have her nails painted by strangers that day, but thanks to Julie, she climbed up on her lap and watched as the pink sparkle polish took its' new position on her cute fingers.

Tim, Tim came along for the ride, but no polish for this little princess.

When the kids got home we had the traditional "presents stack" at the fireplace and she opened the rest of her birthday surprises.
Ellie went right to work to make the cupcake surprise for Annie's family party.
All the girls sporting their half-smiles!

Balance Laura, balance!!

Grandpa is home from Alaska and loving on little Tymber!

Oh sweet little Keara!

Tim Tim swinging away and taking a blurry photo with mommy!

Ben was celebrating his birthday in STYLE with a flashy, (and very yummy) ice cream cake!

After the candles were all blown out, the dishes washed and the desserts devoured, this is how I found Annie on the floor of the family room before presents could be opened.

Since she had missed the big moment the night before due to lack of birthday stamina, this is what she g0t to open in the morning.

Great day. Great company. Great dessert. Great little girl!