These smiles pretty much sum up our Valentines' Day this year...beaming bright!
We started the day, the night before, with all the preparations that go into a fun holiday with little purpose other than to tell the people you love, just how much you love them.
Nana and Papa dropped off their traditional goodies of cookies and chocolates. Each person with their own box of chocolates. Thank you Nana!
The children worked away on their special "boxes" that would hold all the loot from their class parties. This year Easton is in middle school, so I figured he would go about his day not giving Valentines' a second thought.
Boy, was I wrong.
This sweet boy decided that he would help Ellie build a classroom winning robot! John and I snuck away for a little date on Saturday night, and when we returned...there it was!
A life-size robot, painted and all, and ready for Ellie.
He had figured out everything, with the help of Ellie and Brooke, and created this adorable robot, complete with its' very own heart.
Well, let me tell about the heart of this boy. He is full of energy that is used in many different ways. Some for good and some, not so good. But he is one of the most thoughtful kids I know. He is a visionary. He looks around, sees a need, and fills it. He may be cramming for his Primary graduation with his Articles of Faith, and he may be playing catch-up quite a bit in other areas, but in the area of his heart...HE IS A ROCKSTAR!
Ellie was so proud to take that robot to her class! She actually came in 2nd place to a box with singing stuffed monsters on top. (Her vote for her friend, gave her friend the 10-9 vote to win.) She won in my book, because I told her she was the luckiest girl on the earth with TWO big brothers who love her! And one who would take the time to help her succeed.

This was the scene the night before! I was busy helping Brooke master her first duet on the piano, and when we daddy around. We had scriptures and prayer, and the kids headed off to bed. I figured something must have come up with work or a need of someone, but no, that sweet dad had gone to the store to buy flowers for all his girls and candy for his boys. When I came downstairs, he was carefully preparing each vase and each Valentine love note.
Now, I know no one likes sweet and sappy blogs, but this must be said. "I love John!" The talents and strengths that he has that know one sees or acknowledges, bless our lives here in this family. He prays for us. Works hard to provide for us. Encourages and believes in us. And so much more! I could not have had a greater gift than witnessing this site on our kitchen counter!

Morning came with fresh strawberry pancakes, lunches packed by Easton, pictures and excitement!

L-O-V-E this boy!!

L-O-V-E this girl!

L-O-V-E these girls!

This "candy gram" had Brooke greeting me in the hallway smiling. See who it is from? Who wouldn't want a "secret admirer" on Valentines' Day?

L-O-V-E this sweet baby!

A.J. woke up in the wee hours of the morning, before seminary, to write his girl, Meg a sweet letter about all the things he loves about her. Seriously, L-O-V-E that boy! She dropped this off on Valentines' for her favorite boy!

I think that this Valentines' will go down in the books as one of my favorites. Easton showing kindness to Ellie, Brooke beaming with her "locker" box, Annie playing with her special friend, Cate all day, A.J. showing maturity and strength, sweet Tymber smiling the whole day as I drag her from party to party, Madie being in a great teenager mood and my true love, showing me exactly why I know that I am the luckiest girl on the planet!
Happy Valentines' Day!