Monday, November 2, 2009

Warning: Snow days can be hazardous to your health


I know that you think I am going to go into a long dissertation about how my children took their skateboarding ramp and dung it into the hill and then jumped it over and over, and how in reality I should have been paying serious money to the urgent care for broken arms and mangled limbs BUT…

I am going to talk about what was happening IN the house.

We spent all THREE snow days making batch after batch of cookies, finding every gas station with fresh donuts of every kind, homemade soup with homemade bread, pan after pan of brownies, and delicious hot chocolate and cider to wash it all down.

THIS is a problem!

A triple load of calories, way too much sugar and a carb count that could line any heart with darkness.

I am grateful for the memories.

I am grateful to have had 3 days of nowhere to go and nothing having to be done.

Just keep the warning in mind next time you hear, “Snow day!”