Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Today was one of those days...

Today was one of those days where clarity came in a flash!

How many days in our lives can we say that clarity of something that has been eluding us for so long, comes in a flash?

For those of you with flashes of brilliance, you may have many days like this.

But for me, today was a miracle.

I feel so blessed to be able to take the things that are weighing on my heart, and gain an understanding that I never had before.

I was touched by people around me who probably had no idea the impact they were having on me.

A sister who was willing to listen, a stranger who smiled while reminding me of promises, and longtime friends who said just the right thing to calm my heart.

I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who reminds me that I am important to him.

I am one of His daughters.

I am one of His children.

And he loves matter what.

After letting go of things that aren't in my control, and feeling a peace that I haven't felt in a long time, I came home and witnessed this.

I watched as John mowed the entire property with Tymber safely tucked in his lap, singing "I'm yelling timber..." in her ear.

I love their smiles, and I hope I will never forget how I felt feeling my Heavenly Father touching my life, and watching Tymber's earthly father touching her life.

Life is a gift.

Nothing is guaranteed, but if we trust in the Lord, it will all work out!

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