Friday, October 31, 2008
HHHHappy Hallllloween 2008!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Privilege to work
I am so grateful for the opportunity to work. To work in our homes to create a haven for our families. The chance to teach our children how to feel success by doing a job well.
Do you remember when you were little and your parents introduced you to chores? Let's just say, it was probably not as exciting as learning to ride a bike, but do you remember?
I look back and recall a mother who loved us enough to teach us how to work. We were also blessed with one of those dads who didn't think Saturday morning was made for cartoon watching (like we did), but instead introduced us to those things that needed to be cared for by the family. I spent many a Saturday moving acres of grass and getting a nice sunburn for the church dance that night! I also remember being taught how to vacuum, dust and properly clean a bathroom. At the time, I'm sure I rolled my eyes like my little ones now do to me, but how I appreciate being taught the value of work.
For the past five months, John has been out of work. He has been diligently looking, but the executive positions that he is qualified for, take about six to nine months to secure.
He has been amazing! Upbeat and happy! Everyday heading down to our office to make contacts with everyone he could think of. Spending time in the temple praying for what is best for our family. Reading his scriptures to find answers to his questions.
We have had ward members fast in our behalf. We have had family be so amazingly generous that words cannot describe. We have had random acts of kindness almost everyday. What a wonderful experience for our family!
Well, John has secured a job, and will start on Monday. We are relieved, elated and grateful! He cannot wait to put his talents back to use. He is glowing at the opportunity to support his family. Who knew that working would feel so good?!!
Thank you for all of your prayers and love! May the work begin! It is a gift and a blessing!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Houses
This is what they affectionately call...THE PARADE OF HOMES...! Thank you Greg and Raylene for a wonderful time! Morgan, AJ, Madison, Keegan, Ethan, Easton, Isaac, Connor, Brooke, Carson, Hailey, Saydee, Ellen, Brooke, Ellie and Nathan. GREAT JOB KIDS!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We love our cousin, Kenna!
Monday, October 6, 2008
General Conference Weekend
Ellie showing off her "makeup break" between Conference broadcasts on Sunday!
Annie waking up wondering why no one was carrying her around yet!
President Thomas S. Monson shared his testimony in his biography between Sunday sessions. I loved what he chose to say. I kept rewinding it until I got exactly what he said verbatim. "The sweetest experience that I know in life is to feel a prompting and act upon it. And later find out that it was the fulfillment of someone's prayer or someone's need. And I always want the Lord to know that if he needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for him. I am so grateful for his example and that's who we serve. This is the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. I honor that name. I honor this church. The work is true and I testify of that from the depths of my soul. And will say, May God Bless Us, Every One!!"
May all of you have a wonderful week and pray for those opportunities to "run the Lord's errands." I am going to increase my desire to do that for him. May he trust me with more opportunities to serve. To have the blessing of knowing that it was an answer to "someone's prayer or someone's need." Have a great week!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Grandma Dieker is right there to put on her newborn hat!
Mommy Cecil is in LOVE!!! It is like a sweet dream that is happening in real life! I had these beautiful children who I loved. AJ, Madison, Easton, Brooke and Ellie. My life literally revolves around them. Now we have this new little one that we have been praying for for so long. The moment is here! We are taking advantage and working toward eternity!
The wonderful and very patient, Dr. Bruce Dorr. His vision to use the blood thinner is one of the reasons we have little Annie now.


Papa Cecil gets his first chance to hold Annie and take a look. When John's dad walked in the room he saw the board that said, "Happy Birthday Annie Grace Cecil!" Written by John. He turned to my mother and said that he hadn't seen his mother's name, Grace Cecil, in writing in a long time. Annie was named after John's mother, Anne and his sister, Leslie Grace. Two women who we love and honor.

Beautiful Madsion holding her newest sister!


Quinn came to visit her new cousin. Smile Quinn!! We love you!

Uncle Kevin and Aunt Melissa thought they were coming for a quick delivery. No such luck, but they are still all smiles a day later holding Annie!

Love Always,