We had a great Halloween, complete with the trick-or-treating on Halloween, Trunk or Treat at church and a total of 3 neighborhood kids!!!
This was the first year we weren't together as a family. I can't believe my AJ and Madie are old enough to celebrate with friends. AJ went to a party for the youth at one of the girl's homes. He went as a rocker, complete with the Guitar Hero guitar! He wanted to be the bad boy rocker, too bad he's just a good boy through and through!
Madison went as an old lady in curlers with some girls from school! Just another costume creation that enables you to wear your comfy jammies and slippers! One of my most cherished memories was the first year I went trick-or-treating with friends. I was in 7th grade, lived in Anchorage, Alaska and it was wonderful! Madie, have a great time!
Easton was our afro boy! Not much else, just a wig that makes you feel cool!
Brooke was our PJ girl! Just her sweet smile, blond hair flipped up in a clip, and the cutest striped slippers. When she is not whining, she is smiling!! Very little in between!
Ellie has worn her cousin's Snow White dress, crown and matching princess slippers most of the day. Yesterday, she and Kenna, went as Ariel and Snow White for preschool. Once a princess, always a princess!
Annie is our little ladybug! Now what could be more fitting, than a bug that brings a smile to everyone's face when discovered. Something tiny that only brings happy thoughts! She is a blessing, our little bug!
Another Halloween past...next year they will be bigger, choose different costumes, but will still be a part of us...our past and our future!!
They all look adorable. You have such a beautiful family and look how great you look holding your little Annie. Love ya, Jenn
Cute costumes. We are kind of to the point now where we just either pull together some of the previous years costumes or have them wear one of there bazillion sports uniforms and call it good. We have never been very original and creative.
Love ya
Hi Laura!!!! I love your blog. Your little baby bug is so cute!!!
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