Ponderosa's Pioneer Party

A little traditional pioneer party...

BBQ potluck...

Dinner at tables, sitting in chairs...

Store bought chips...

A little limbo...


An official D.J...

Teens with smiles...

Babies on blankets...

Bleachers seats with friends...

Ballpark games...

Playing in dirt...

Dugout smiles...

Family and friends...
More Family and friends...

Beautiful babies...
Smiling moms...
So, this is how we celebrate Pioneer Day in 2009.
Old traditions, and new.
not so sure what YMCA has to do with pioneer day but it looks like you had tons of fun! Wish we were there with you!
Aww, thanks for posting those pictures, I can't believe how big some of those kids have grown!! Like little Jack C, he was in my Primary class years ago!! Wow. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! I miss the Ponderosa Ward! Say hi to all for me, ok? Thanks! :)
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