Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our crowded bed







Ok…for you few men who sometimes read along…it is not what you are thinking.

A few weeks ago we were talking with a doctor discussing our sleeping situation with “little visitors” in the night.

The conversation was casual, no medical advice needed, but we were sharing our challenge of having a particular five-year old daughter find her way each night to our bed.

Well, unfortunately she has not broken of this habit, and this morning, with a near record low temperature outside, we were visited by not only the 5-year old, but the 8-year old, the 12-year old and the 7-year old chocolate lab!

As John and I were literally laying side-by-side (because there was no room to lay flat,) all I could do was smile and begin to laugh.

All John had to say was, “there was a man and woman who lived in a shoe…”

And I thought to myself, “they had no room in their bed and they had no idea what to do.”

John said to Ellie, “When are you going to sleep in your own bed?”

Ellie said promptly, “When I turn six.”

The good news is, she will be six on February 7th…the  bad news…I don’t believe her!

Tonight is another cold night.

I am putting an extra blanket on each sleeping girl and hoping for the best.

Someday they will be gone.

So if they sneak in tonight, I know that no matter how strong I feel right now, I will just scoot over.

Off to my soon-to-be crowded bed.


Adrienne said...

one of the things you will miss when they are grown and gone........ :)

Anonymous said...


I need you more than ever back here in Roseville!! Amanda had a baby girl and she has gone "bowless" for too long!! I remember your girls always had cute bows on, all the time. I know you made them. Are they hard????

Love, Barbara Ziegler

Laura said...

Barbara, Email me so that I can chat with you! My girls now love bows in the ponytails and flower clips. My sister sells the flowers online for cheap at You can add me to Facebook and I will show you my email. Congrats on Amanda's little girl! How fun for both of you! Miss you! ~Laura