Ok...now to my confession! I have posted two things concerning organizing and cleaning in the last week or so. Some of you mentioned that I must be incredible to accomplish all of that. I assure you I AM NOT! These two list were like our children's Christmas lists. They list every possible dream that they have for the arrival of their Christmas magic on Christmas morning, but in reality, the list is almost never completely found under that tree.
I have been feeling a little slow. Fortunately, not in a mental sense, but in a motivation after I get kids off to school sense. I just want to sit on the couch with Annie and watch Marley and Me over and over. It is terrible. I wish I could blame it on the weather or my pregnancy, but I think it is probably just a little bit of everything, including just plain laziness and maybe a little dose of the "blues."
I have found that there are only two things that really get me out of this feeling. The first is making a list. If I make a list, I can actually see on a piece of paper, what I have done, what needs to be done and feel like I am making steps forward.
The second is service. Helping others when you are down, weak and lost is the BEST way to feel better. I know that this makes absolutely no sense, but I promise you that I have seen the miracles that happen when people who are struggling look outside of themselves and help someone else. People have often said, "How can I go help someone clean their house if mine is in shambles?" My answer is, "Honestly, I don't know, but I promise it will." I love this principle. It has saved my heart and my mind on so many occasions.
So, I know that Main Floor List looked ambitious, but it was worth making. I only have about 2/3 done, but I have a plan. And the DAILY FOUR truly help me everyday!
I love trying. The success is in the enduring, not the finished product.
Thanks Laura! I love you too! I am so glad you are blogging again!
Sometimes when I make a list I put stuff on there I've already done just so I can check them off then it makes me feel better. Hope your not feeling the blues too much. I think you need a dose of Adrienne. I'll call you this next week and we'll chat. I think we are due. Love you.
My favorite motivation for cleaning is to invite someone over. I go into overdrive and clean everything- even the stuff they will NEVER see (i.e. my closet) So if we invite you over it's because we love you AND because I need a reason to clean!
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