Saturday, February 12, 2011

Annie made me LAUGH

It is Saturday morning.

The only morning, I might add that I don't have to be the first one out of bed.

Saturday is the day that John takes A.J. to his early morning baseball conditioning, so I can just soak up the warmth of our bed and dream for just a little longer.

It is the morning that he gets up with the puppy to take her out and feed her to stop the barking.

I love Saturdays.

Well, today was no such Saturday.

Today, Annie decided to get up with John and be up for the day.

She was all smiles when she brought me the book, Dinosaurs Roar, that she wanted read (with great sound effects of course.)

We read it. Not once, but twice.

It seemed fine. I was still in my warm bed, snuggling with cute Annie, until she said, "I'm hungry."

Off to the kitchen we went. This, is where the laughter occurred if I haven't lost you yet.

The TOP photo is what she was supposed to be eating. Delicious Golden Grahams with perfectly chilled skim milk.

However, her eyes caught sight of these BELOW, and then the breakfast plans changed.

I told her she could not have Fun Dips for breakfast, and quickly grabbed them.

She then, hopped down from the stool, walked over and picked up the phone, and with complete disgust in her voice said, "I'M CALLING DAD!"

She is TWO. Where do they learn this? Oh yeah, I am pretty sure I have used the same tactic when one of her older siblings was being naughty.

I seriously laughed out loud! Not a little lol, a huge one. So funny!

She is smiling here, but she was so serious!

Too cute!

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