On Tuesday this week, we headed to Belleview Park in Littleton, CO.
So fun!
What is better than snakes, water, train rides, and animal petting farms?
This brilliant woman in our ward thought up an idea for a Summer Fun Group. Anyone can join, and we take turns each week picking out an adventure and taking our families to enjoy the experience.
The park this week was perfect!
Not too hot, and lots to do!
Here are some of the fun photos from our adventure.
FIRST: We have the little snakes that the kids found. I believe Easton was there less than 5 minutes before he had this one in his hand.

Cole smiling away with his little snake!

Look at Emma! Even the snake is jealous of those perfect dimples! She isn't even scared!

Ellie is an expert snake holder. Not too tight, not to loose!

Ellie is loving the snake, but is a little tentative with the first one.

SECOND: There was a perfect stream that ran the length of the park that the children could wade in to their heart's content.

Brooke and her buddies, Bria and Hayley, trying over and again to get the perfect picture!

THIRD: Lots of friends to spend time with. Here is one of Angela and one of her twins smiling away!

FOURTH: A perfect little train ride for little ones. Short and sweet, with an engineer who loves his job!

FIFTH: A perfect little petting zoo where Annie was able to get her fix of animals for the day. The cutest park of the petting zoo was Annie retelling dad and A.J. about the bunnies that were so cute, but they were in cages because they were, "in trouble." She also told them that the turtle was "so tired, because he was yawning."

Wonderful day!