Sunday, November 13, 2011

Elder Dieker is HOME!

Bernie is BACK!

(You can read about when he left right here)

He just spent the last two years in the Dominican Republic telling everyone he could that God exists, and the Savior loves them.

We waited, (not so patiently) for him at the airport.

We waited and waited, and then there he was!

Not an inch taller, weighing in only slightly less than when he left, but absolutely glowing.

He looked ten shades brighter than anyone else in that airport that day!

He looked like he had gone into a little bit of shock as he saw the view in front of him.

Mom and dad were crying, siblings were taking pictures to capture the moment, friends had come to see this part of their life that they had been missing and nieces and nephews surrounded him like he was the Pied Piper.

It was magical.

Just being there, witnessing this valiant servant of the Lord, return in full honor.

I love this boy!

This young man was born only one week before I left for BYU.

Our mother brought him to my high school graduation in a 7 months pregnant costume. :)

Every time I attend a high school reunion, the second question after "How many children do you have now?" is "How are your little brothers?"

This little brother is home.

Home to conquer the next phase of his life.

Home to catch up on everything he was privileged to miss as he fell in love the people of the DR.

Bernie, we love you, we have missed you and


Brothers embrace.

He and Eddie hugged so tight that both of their hands were white with excitement.
Ellie literally jumped into Bernie's arms. He was a little stunned at the size and the pure number of the cousins.
Easton was full of questions the minute he saw him. He smiled at him, hugged him and then wanted to know the details.
Friends that have been with him through childhood were there to greet him.
This is how twins would greet as they embrace after two long years apart. I loved how this scene played out. Pure joy and love.

Ben was checking out Bernie above to ensure that his older brother was still indeed, shorter than him. :)

Brothers, together at last.
Look at that group, and check out those smiles ( and the screams from the two babies that were awoken for the photo op.)

It was an amazing experience that my children will not soon forget.

Welcoming home an uncle that they love and prayed for, and witnessing a missionary coming home after serving the Lord.
Eddie even had his welcoming crew there! Riddick was definitely the ladies man in the airport as people flocked to see this adorable pup!

Cecil boys were excited to greet Bernie with smiles!

It's ok Kiara. He is home safe!
These two were smiling the whole time! This was the new Facebook profile picture of Bernie's oldest niece that day!
The Cecil girls love their Uncle Bernie. They could be found praying for him to "have fun" while he was serving.

The Dieker family was all there with smiles and hugs for their Uncle Bernie! They had each made him a sign to greet him at the top of the stairs.
Elder Stephen Robert Dieker III
Elder Hyrum Dieker
Bernie placed these tags on these two Dieker boys and let them know by doing that, that they were the next Elder Diekers to go out and serve.

Walking to the car after witnessing a special moment in time.
It's YOUR day Bernie!

Welcome home!

Tymber Julia

Go Reese! Awesome Eagle Project idea!
Lucy and Annie were smiling away at the Stake Center. This bench was a perfect place to wait.

A.J. and Bernie's first greeting! These two boys lit up the room as they embraced! You are next A.J.!

Lovely picture! Next time I bet they will give me pretty smiles!
Waiting patiently for our turn to join Bernie for his official release.

It was an amazing day full of lasting memories.

As we finished off a perfect homecoming with Bernie's testimony in Spanish, as he sat at the head of that High Council table, I felt the Spirit so strong.

The Spirit testifying that that moment was special.

His love for the people of the DR was special.

He was special.

I love you Elder Bernard Joseph Dieker more than I could have ever imagined as a young 18 year-old sister heading off to college all those years ago.

Thank you for your dedication and example. As a mother, I will forever be grateful!


Corina said...

Bernie looks so good! Such a happy reunion! Tell him hi for us.

Adrienne said...

Awesome!! How neat for all your kids to be a part of.