Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This is how it ended, but below is how it started...

After a great Turkey Bowl 2011, we headed home and began the cooking.

John, Easton, and Ellie took on the turkeys. (All three of them!)

First there was cleaning and prepping...
Then there was lots of "stuffing the bird!"

Easton was totally "into" it this year. Helping with everything from taking out the neck, to injecting the marinade in the fried turkeys and packing in the homemade stuffing mix in the baked turkey.
Annie was obsessed with the neck! So gross! (Don't worry, we washed her hands for ten minutes after this encounter!)
More stuffing and voila...

Meanwhile, Cinderella and her little sister, (I mean Madie and Brooke) were ironing away! They went online to find a napkin folding design that would work, and then went to town!

Then Ellie taught Annie how to put out the silverware. Too cute!
Every once in awhile the house would get very quiet, and I would think to myself, "Where are all my little worker bees?"

And this is where I would find them...enjoying the 72 degree weather!

Absolutely beautiful!
Easton back to work...
Annie getting way too close to that raw bird for me!
When the grandparents arrived we put them to work! Nana holding Tymber and grandpa carving all the turkeys.

The tables were all set and ready for everyone to enjoy! Thank you Madie, Brooke, Ellie and Annie! I know that they can work magic on two plain tables, so maybe we will invite a family or two over next Sunday.

Do you think it is too early to serve turkey?

Our traditional ornaments that we give to our guests. This year we found these cute little trees!

Bernie enjoying a game and Ellie smiling away with John! We missed you Miss Rachael!

Nice face Eddie! Love him!
Cheers and waves to a great Thanksgiving!

Tonight I am so grateful for so many things...

Grateful for this amazing family that I have been blessed with, who I get to share this life with and the next. All the good, the bad and the ugly...

Grateful for the job we enjoy that allows our family to eat, stay warm, share and so much more.

Grateful for our extended family whom we love!

Grateful for children who aren't perfect, but who are always trying.

Grateful for the opportunity to have second chances.

Grateful to be who I am, right now, in this place.

So blessed and so grateful for these and so many more!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I love reading posts about everything I have been blessed with. Here is one from 2009. Celebrate and enjoy!

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