Monday, November 7, 2011

Tymber's Perfect Day

It was a beautiful day in every way!

Tymber woke up smiling and spent most of the day in this sweet state.

I could tangibly feel a lightness in the air.

The little girls were busy trying to put together matching outfits for the whole family. (I am so sad that I didn't get a picture of all the kids together, but they were off to Primary with cousins before I could stage the moment.)

I loved walking into the chapel and seeing all of those who had come to share this special day with us. Some from just across town, and others who flew in early just to catch this special event in our family.

The naming of Tymber Julia.

She has been Tymber Julia to us for months now (since this day here), after all, Annie proceeds to tell everyone that she is, "Annie Grace and this is my new sister, Tymber Julia." In possibly the sweetest voice you have ever heard accompanied with a smile.

But today, it is official...

This is Tymber's beautiful blessing given by her dad who smiles every time he lays his eyes on his little girl. (written down to the best of our ability)

Our dear Father in Heaven, we present this infant to thee this day to give her a name and a blessing. The name by which she shall be known upon the records of the church is Tymber Julia Cecil.
Tymber you have come to earth at a very challenging time.
You will have many challenges in your life.
You will come through these challenges unscathed and ready to serve our Heavenly Father.
You will have the ability to learn.
You will convert many with this knowledge as you are called on a mission.
You will be a calming factor in your home.
You will be able to marry in the temple to your sweet companion that you find, and be able to have a wonderful family.
Stay close to your family.
Look to your mother as a guiding light to help you.
She will teach you how to be a mother.
Stay close to your sisters, cling to them.
Tymber, your family loves you.
Look to your brothers for inspirational guidance in your life.
Tymber, remember that your family loves you.
Your extended family loves you.
We seal this blessing upon you.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I wish all of you reading this could feel the Spirit in the room this morning. It will be something that I will never forget. The blessing was simple, yet absolutely full of more meaning than the words spoken.

I could see her life. I could see her future. I could see her, loving her family, her life, and her Savior as she grew.

It was a perfect day, for the beginning of a wonderful life for our precious Tymber.
I loved this picture above because you can see that Tymber has two different eye colors. She is as unique as can be.


Unknown said...

What a wonderful day! I just love this post and all of the pictures, especially the one with you holding Tymber and she is smiling. I am so happy for you and your family.

Paige said...

You are looking amazing, Laura! What a special day for your family.

deeder6 said...

What a great day! I still remember AJ's blessing! Is that Melissa's baby? I hope you are doing well! You look great!