Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Feasts

Every year the elementary schools have their traditional "Thanksgiving Feasts."

This year was no exception!

Brooke's was first, so Tymber and I joined her for some "yummy" food. (When I say yummy, I mean it smelled like it was not edible, but I watched as almost every single child in that gym gobbled up every last bite.)

Me, not so brave. I was envying the woman and her daughter at another table who were enjoying Subway.

However, tradition is tradition!

Brooke played the piano for the lunch concert.

Deck The Halls is soon becoming one of my favorites!

Ellie's was next and that morning she was not messing around!

She got up, showered and put on the cutest outfit she could find and then wanted me to have a "mini" photo shoot with her on the front porch.

Lots of pictures, lots of "work it" for the camera and one happy little polka dotted girl!
Ellie was so excited when I walked in with Tymber!

Bringing her little sister to school and holding her while all the other girls swoon around her saying, "She is soooo cute!" "She is soooo little!" and "Can I hold her next?" Never gets old!

I love these cute girls, and I just realized while posting this, that Brooke will be in middle school next year!

Maybe she and I will just have to meet Easton in the lunchroom the week before Thanksgiving and have a turkey sandwich from Subway!

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