Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Y" Not?

"Y" not indeed!

So, here we are.

A cute little LDS family enjoying a few days in Utah.

When we hatch this great idea to head to Provo and hike the Y before we head home.

I think, great idea.

We'll pack the one Camelback we have with ice, and make the quick hike up and then hit the road home.

The only problem is...I had forgotten the hike from way back when. It had been 19 years after all.

It was further than I thought, steeper than I had remembered, and I didn't have an 18-pound baby on my back.

In the words of a father of 7 who was headed down when we were headed up. When asked by me how long it took them to get up, he said, "You seem to lose track of time when you are completely miserable."


Off we went, little water, one of the hottest days of the summer in Provo, and almost high noon.

Despite the challenges...look what we did...WE MADE IT!!!

...and with smiles to boot!

The proof is in the picture! See trail marker below!

Easton knows he ROCKS!

A.J. and E-man ran the whole way up! Crazy strong boys!

Love this view of Provo!

Love this view of the Y!
The girls with their "friend" from the Y.
Annie enjoying the view from Madie's shoulders!

The way down was a completely different experience than the way up! Elated with the adrenalin of conquering the challenge and headed for the biggest and coolest drinks we could find, we headed home!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Awesome, I haven't done that in a long time.