Ours is a simple one.
Joseph Smith's, not so simple.
One night in Utah, we decided to go and see the Joseph Smith movie on Temple Square.
Some kids were excited and some, not so much.
When they walked out the door, after sitting in that theatre and feeling the Spirit as they saw the young Joseph go through the surgery on his leg, kneeling in the grove, burying children, being tarred and feathered, watching the death of his own brother, Hyrum and ultimately his own death.
Well, let's just say, they were moved.
One, (name will be withheld), even took my hand, looked in my eyes, swore me not to tell anyone, and then proceeded to tell me that he LOVED it! Every minute.
Weeks later, our bishop was impressed with Brooke, as she sat in his office and told Joseph Smith's story detail by detail.
I know that Joseph knelt in that garden, and pleaded with the Lord to know what to do.
He saw the Father and His Son, my brother, Jesus Christ.
And now, I think that those sweet seeds of my childrens' testimonies are even stronger because of that experience on that screen.
Thank you to the many people who made that possible.
Especially Joseph.
1 comment:
Laura, I LOVE that movie too! My kids and I just went this month also. My older ones were not excited at all. My younger ones were just wondering where the popcorn was!!! My friend and her three kids also went. So it's me, my friend and 7 kids!!
It was BEAUTIFUL AND SO MOVING. You can't help but feel some of what went on. It's so incredible that we could get a glimpse into his life and what a life!!!
The kids sat still the WHOLE time. There eyes were pasted to the screen and the spirit was so strong. I'm also thankful for that movie and hope to see it again. . . with my kids.
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