Kindergarten is that year when they are only gone for 3 hours, but it seems to open all the doors to the rest of their lives.
I think that is why mothers tear up the way they do.
They know.
They know that it means that the freckled-face five year-old boy in their foursome of desks will have his first crush on the pig-tailed girl across the way.
They know that their children will figure out that other moms consider gummy dots and Oreos "healthy snacks."
They know that their little ones magnetic ears will hear words never spoken at home.
They know that they will probably be called the teacher's name every once and a while.
And the fact that the little secret that sometimes breakfast comes by way of "cereal in the baggie" will get out.
They know that they will learn more in a day, than probably any activity book could have.
All these things and so many more are why those warm tears stain our cheeks on Day #1 of the rest of their lives.
Ellie, you will be wonderful! You will probably help your teacher more like an adult, than like a normal 5 year-old, just like you help me at home.
You will make lots of new friends that will make you happy, and sad, and maybe even mad sometimes.
But you will help the quiet kids in your "bossy, take-care of way." Let them know they are loved.
Thank you for the past five years little Ellie Jane.
I will miss you every day from 12:40-4:37pm!
Love, Mom
And then the next thing you know, they are juniors in High School!
Ellie, you are so darling. And, yes I agree with you Laura that we do shed tears when our kindergartners start on that 1st day. Second and Fourth graders, not so much, no tears for me this year :) !
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