Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just a little scare...

Just a little scare today...

Nothing major, but just wanted to share.

You see, I am trying to get another one of these here, but

this morning I woke up and couldn't get this little one to move.

I tried drinking OJ, moving around, and then laying very still.

John just told me she was sleeping and not to worry.

I thought to myself that he was probably right and headed out for the day.

The morning was full of final basketball games, errands, piano practice and chores.

However, then the scare.

I went to get up from Madie's basketball game and PAIN.

Not the usual, "you are getting old" stiffness, sharp pain.

It started all along the top of the uterus and throughout my back.

I couldn't stand up straight or walk without pain.

So scary.

Maybe not to some of you, but for those of us who have lived through the worst news ever during a pregnancy, the fear was gripping.

I slowly made my way to the car, and then began to cry.

I could feel the tears running down my face, and I could see the sadness in my boys' eyes as they watched me in pain.

Easton said a prayer and we headed home.

It is cute to note, that AJ, the 15-year-old, "offered" to drive since he considered this an emergency and the driving practice would be great for his permit.

Not happening.

I went home, took a warm bath and crawled into bed.

I just got up and I feel sore, but so much better.

Little Annie brought me Gatorade and lots and lots of pretzels. Too cute.

I believe I could feel this little one, and now have a peace about everything.

You see, I can only take the best care I can of this little girl, but the Lord is the one who knows the end from the beginning.

I trust in his plan.

I trust that he has a plan for me and my family.

I know that trials we have, build who we are.

The faith that we exercise brings us closer to our Heavenly Father and our Savior.

I am going to continue to believe that all is well.


Kara said...

Oh, honey. I will continue to pray for you and your angel baby. I am glad you are feeling better. And that you listened to your body and rested.

Adrienne said...

Why do I live in Arizona when I want to be there in Parker with you? Call me anytime day or night. U know I love you :)

Miss Pete said...

I hope all is well! You're in our prayers!

Knutson Family said...

You are absolutely right! The Lord does know you and He knows your baby and has a plan in place. Be strong! We love you guys!