I have been getting "tagged" to write about 6 random things. I was just feeding Annie and realized that there was something special that I loved about each one of my newborns, and not one was the same. I scanned old pictures of all the kids (so you have to click on the pic for a close-up), and decided to share each special connection that I felt about each one of the six! Life is about these little things that you will always cherish.
AJ was a beautiful baby! I remember calling my sister, Julie, who lived in Connecticut, and telling her he was beautiful and knowing that that was what EVERY mother probably felt toward her baby. With AJ, he had the sweetest little features and I remember just staring at him and being amazed at his face. He still lights up a room and it brings me back to those days when it was just the two of us!
Madison had the most beautiful blue eyes! When I held her in my arms, I couldn't believe that I had a little girl. Since she was born in June, it was pool time and AJ loved swimming. My favorite thing was to hold Madie relaxing next to the pool, watching her smile as she got splashed from the kids in the pool. What newborn likes to get splashed? She was a doll!
Easton was the cutest little thing with the biggest eyes you have ever seen! When Easton was a baby (7mo) I found out that I was pregnant with Brooke. I was worried that I would miss all the great things Easton would be doing as a baby while caring for two little ones. So everytime that I sat down to nurse him, I just soaked him in. I watched him as he reached up and held my fingers with his little fist. I just prayed that I would be a good mother to all four of them. By looking at him (and lots of prayers), I was at peace when Brooke came to bless our home. I will never forget that year of holding that sweet Easton!

Brooke was our fair-skinned baby. Everyone else was born with a olive skin, but she was a fair as could be. We were living in California at the time, and it was July! So my fondest newborn memories of Brooke were watching her in her swing right by the window as she peacefully slept. She was a content baby and a joy to have. When she arrived, peace filled our home, which is the exact opposite of what you would think with four children under the age of 5!

Ellie was a Colorado baby! She was born in February with snow on the ground and the only brown-eyed girl in our family. My special moments with her came when I would put my face on hers and stare at her profile. Even to this day I can pick her up and hold her close and look at that profile up close and personal. I loved how when I was that close, that it was a little bit blurry and I could feel our connection.

A moment I had nursing Annie this morning is what inspired this blog entry. As I finished feeding her, I looked at her, and then gently put her on my shoulder to burp. As her sweet little body nestled right up to my cheek, I could just smell her sweetness. She has been an answer to prayer for me and many others. How can you not just stop and smell the sweetness?
They are all beautiful! Thanks for playing along!
That was neat to read Laura. Those pictures are darling of your kids.
I gave you "the bug" to get old pics digtal now, didn't I?! J/J ;)
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