AJ's 13th!
"I can't believe I have a teenager!" is I am sure what everyone says, with despair and anticipation for the challenging days with a "teenager" in the home.
I feel differently.
I know that it may be somewhat naive of me, but I have been excited at the thought of having my 5 born in eight years, all teenagers at the same time.
Jr. high and high school were some of my most treasured memories and I can't wait to experience those ups and downs, full of learning experiences all over with my kids!
This is when they bulk up those testimonies, learn to really pray (especially after that first painful breakup,) start praying about missions and schooling, and of course, start the graying process on their parents!
The trouble, the pain and the joy wrapped up in a little package called, "teenagers!" Well, here's to our first one....
He sees life "half-full," and embraces whatever he is doing. He is sure of himself. The kind of confidence that we pray our children will have without growing their head a little too large! His humility is in turn challenged often, but he takes it in stride.
He is a true leader. The sort that leads with kindness and by example first.
He also has learned to express himself a little too clearly. The kind that sound like "sassing" to a mother and father trying to teach the principle at hand. However, nothing gets too out of control for him. He restrains his tongue when he knows that it is the best course of action.
All in all, AJ is headed toward the tree! The tree whose fruit is desirable above all else, and he is reaping the blessings in his life! We love you AJ! Happy Birthday!
He blew out each candle to incur 13 wishes instead of one! Clever boy!
New music for a new time period...Flobots and Fray!!
Always the USC fan!
Happy Birthday AJ! I can't believe he's already a teenager! Where does the time go? I'm sorry we weren't able to get together before I left. Hopefully I can catch you on my way through in January! I love that I can look at your blog and feel like I'm not losing any time or moments with you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, Laura. I love you!
Wow a teenager! I am not too far behind, Hailey turns 12 soon.
Tell AJ Happy Birthday, he is such a handsome boy. : )
Happy Birthday AJ. Wish we were there to celebrate with you! You have grown into such a great looking kid! Love, The Jensens
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