Here they are with no formal education. Just listening in on life going on around them. They know how to write their names, but not neccessarily the phonics to sound it out. But they use those little minds and figure it out.
Ellie was in the car the other day with her friend, Emma. They were just having their own little conversation when John and I overheard this:
Emma: "Ellie, do you know why they call them airplanes?"
Emma patiently sits with a huge smile and dimples waiting to see if her sweet friend can muster up the answer.
Emma: "Because they fly in the air and they are planes!" Absolutely brilliant!!
Now Ellie, knowing in her mind that she could play this game thinks....
Ellie: "Emma, do you know why they call them stores?"
Emma, now loving that her little friend has caught on to the wonderful line of questioning, responds, "No, why?"
Ellie: "Because you shop in them!"
They both sit there contemplating their next word. This time something clicks in Ellie's mind and she makes the move to the "compound word" game!
Ellie: "Do you know why they call them swimsuits?"..."Because you swim in them."
Emma smiles this loving look at her counterpart.
They both sit in silence with a look of brillance and wisdom in their eyes.
They both smile whimsical smiles of heaven.
How cute! I love listening in on the kids' cute conversations. You asked me about my hair on my blog the other day----well, my hair was straight until I hit puberty, and you saw how curly and crazy it was during high school. UGH! Anyway, it got better during college and then when I got married, went on the pill, and then had kids, it progressively got straighter and straighter. I can't even do it curly now if I want to! There was a perfect stage where I could make it go curly or straight, but now it's pretty much always straight.
They are so cute. I love how simple they view life in general at that age : )
Now my kids are on to..."Why do we call it a "driveway" where you park and a "parkway" where you drive? They keep me hopping! LOL
That is so sweet! I love overhearing little conversations.
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