Friday, November 28, 2008

Ellie's Thanksgiving Play

Every preschooler has to star in their very own class' Thanksgiving play! Who can go through life without the opportunity to dress as a Pilgrim or Indian and sing and dance for adoring parents?

Ellie had her shot today, and it didn't disappoint! There was a feast made out of foods that started with the first letters of any of their first and last names, and even a middle name to boot!

Their food choices went something like this...mmmmm for mmmmac 'n cheese and mmmmorgan...Eggos and eggs for Ellie....etc.! Seriously cute! And a recipe for a tummy ache I might add!

Then came the performance...lots of smiling, songs with matching hand gestures. Ellie was best with her bowing debut! So funny! Overly dramatic, but very endearing!

We are so grateful for all that we have. It's been a long year...but we have been so blessed. We love you Ellie!


The Buckingham Family said...

That is SO cute to have food that relates to their names. I bet they will remember that for a long time!
They look adorable.

Madison C.1 said...

Hey Mom that was soo cute mmmmorgan for mmmac and cheese, and eggo's,and egg's for ellie. I love it!!!!!

kellie said...

Super Cute. That is giving me some good ideas. I love the handmade costumes!

Familia Peña said...

Don't you just love those plays?????? They look adorable in their little pilgrim hats.

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