Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Automatic answers

I have had many experiences with automatic answers.  The ones that I have when I run back in the house for the fifth time and can’t remember exactly why I had turned the car around at the end of the driveway to get something that couldn’t be left.

I instantly ask for what it is that I am missing, and there it is, just like an amazing gift, that subtle answer that tells me it’s the lunch on the counter, the baby’s bottle or that note for a friend.

I have also been sitting on the sidelines of a sporting event for one of my children and found myself asking again for an “instant” answer.

Last month, as I sat on the sidelines of a tournament basketball game that Easton was playing in, that was in triple overtime, and Easton was at the free throw line, I asked for such an answer.

“Heavenly Father please bless Easton to make this shot.  He has practiced and played to the best of his ability and making this shot, today, in this moment, will give him a confidence boost that he so desperately needs.  Please Father.”

It wasn’t all net, but that ball went through that net, and that boy grinned from ear to ear as he heard all of his siblings yell his name with excitement.

I have also had “instant” answers in finding street names, remembering appointments and knowing what time that I scheduled a visit.

I have found the suit pants on Sunday morning and had babies sleep through the night.

But this past Sunday, I had an instant answer unlike any I have remembered for quite some time.

As I sat in our middle pew, the ones that can comfortably sit a family of eight with a wandering baby, I bowed my head to express a prayer to my Heavenly Father during the passing of the sacrament.

As I sat there with one arm around Brooke, who was holding the baby, and the other folded, I said a simple prayer.

I tried to wipe my slate clean for the week.  I love this moment in the week when the Atonement is right there, waiting to be applied.

Next, I did something that I don’t ever remember doing before that moment.  I prayed that the leaders that were stewards over my family, feel promptings of the Spirit and act on them on behalf of my family.

Whatever they were prompted to do or say, for my family’s sake, they would do.

How random. 

No reason.

Everything is fine.

But something, at that moment, made me ask my Father in Heaven to watch over my family.

We spend a lot of time praying for a lot of other people.  I would not ever change that, but today it was for my husband, my teenage son, my sweet daughter, my energetic & amazing son, my scared daughter, my young daughter and my baby.

That anyone who came into their path, would hear the Spirit, act on it and bless their lives.

Sacrament was over.  The young men returned to their seats with their families, and the talks began.

The first talk…the light of Christ in all of us.

The second talk…the Holy Ghost.

And talk number three…Following the promptings of the Spirit.

Can you believe that?  I just sat in my seat, numb by reaction and shocked at the speed.

An automatic answer.

I wasn’t looking for a sign, but sitting in that chapel, I heard talk after talk as an answer to my prayer concerning my family.

I was so grateful to those who spoke.  I was grateful for their preparation, their delivery and their experiences.

You see, I know that leaders are not perfect.

I know this because during the opportunities when I have been blessed and privileged to serve, perfection was not present.

Not even in the ballpark.

In fact, during these times I felt challenged more than ever in the areas that I am weak in.

I also know that listening to promptings blesses our lives.

It blesses those around us as well.

It is now Thursday morning, just after midnight, and I have had an experience each day confirming answers and blessings related to that prayer that Sunday morning.

I will forever be grateful for the power of prayer and the testimony that sometimes our answers are automatic, and they can come through a Primary President, a loving friend, a visiting teaching companion, a den leader, a neighbor and a coach.

I hope and pray that I will hear what my Heavenly Father needs me to do and more than ever, I hope that those who lead and teach my family hear what Heavenly Father wants them to hear and do.

1 comment:

deeder6 said...

I love your blog. It inspires and teaches me. It also lets me know what my sweet friend is up to and even though I can't be around I still feel a small part of your life. Thank you for sharing I miss you but I love that I know you are still my friend wherever we are!
