Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quote of the day

Cecil Family_4304 honey

Easton: “Mom, are you dating another man?”

Mom: “Easton, I don’t have the time or desire to date another man.”

Easton:  “I have the time to date another woman, but I am sticking with the one I have.”

Lucky girl!


Adrienne said...

HA! Oh my oh my!

deeder6 said...

So who is this girl? I love that you react so casually! He is so adorable! How did he grow up so much?

Heidi said...

Wow! What a funny guy. Does he have a girlfriend already??

Laura said...

The girl is a girl in another ward that he has his "eye" on. Yes, he is only 9 (almost 10,) but I am trying to be the passive-aggressive mom who doesn't freak out, but just uses every teaching moment possible to talk about choices and friends, etc. Don't worry they aren't "going" anywhere, except maybe the lunch line. ~Laura